Monday, July 27, 2009


After viewing the images on Inktrack's blog, I realized that I haven't been taking much stock of my drawings. So I thought I'd upload a few.

Sunday, July 26, 2009


I am now a fan of Nancy Reyner. I've learnt so much in fifteen minutes. and we seem to share the same philosophy. Click the link to see what Imean .


"......... I believe that art can heal. Man has the powerful ability to dream, to create better worlds and new realities. And images play an important role in this. Our history begins with images, which go far back in time, even farther than language, and are cross cultural. "

Nancy Reyner, Santa Fe

I came across this qoute and my heart leapt because this is what I BELIEVE. Indeed....i have lived it. Ialso know that images, art, can destroy. Thus I am accutely aware of my social responsibility to use this power positively.

This statement by Nancy Reyner isthe most accurate expression of what is, for me, a profound truth.

Saturday, July 25, 2009


I'm falling in love with printmaking....more specifically monoprints and screenprinting. The latter, I have limited experience but i'd like to change this. i love the black and white linos of Sasa Marinkov and the monotypes of Howard Jeffs. However, I must sign out now. I'm sleepy.


This is supposed to be a portrait of my friend, Martha but I'm afraid that it fell short of her expectations. However, I'm doubly disappointed that I did not follow my gut instincts about pricing the commission and about the arrangements for viewing the piece, before it was framed. Now I have to pay to have it reframed after I rework it. It was a costly mistake.
However, I am exceedingly pleased with my handling of the medium, acrylic. I am also happy about the anatomical correctness of the facial structure. I hope that I can retain these qualities as I re-work it. Wish me luck.
I definitly concurr with Mary Adam on the fact that, with acrylics, " what you see is not what you get" because the colours really do dry darker than they first appear. I'll definitely choose oils for my next portrait.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I think that it's really important for me to write about art and to communicate with other artists about their craft. This was an aspect that was missing from my activities as an artist. Im grateful to Mary Adam for the inspiration. Thanks Mary.. I'm looking forward to that session on monoprinting

Monday, July 20, 2009

First Thoughts

I'm sure that you're familiar with the saying "A picture paints a thousand words".
Well , art is my language and if it's yours too, then welcome to Art Talks